Seventeen officers from the Assam Police Service (APS) have been elevated to the rank of Indian Police Service (IPS) following the approval of President Droupadi Murmu. These officers will now serve on probation under the Assam-Meghalaya Joint Cadre (Assam Segment), as outlined in the Indian Police Service (Cadre) Rules, 1954.
The promotions cover select lists spanning from 2019 to 2023. Prominent names from the 2019 list include Jayshree Khersa, David Neitham, and Mugdha Jyoti Dev Mahanta, while the 2023 list features Harekrishna Nath, Manabendra Dev Ray, Longnit Terang, and Prasanta Saikia.
This development is expected to bolster the IPS cadre in Assam, further strengthening law enforcement in the state.