In an unprecedented move, the Sakti Police, led by Superintendent of Police Ankita Sharma of 2018 batch, has launched a ground breaking initiative to involve schoolchildren in community awareness campaigns. Dubbed “Khaki Kids,” the program aims to cultivate cyber and traffic awareness among students, empowering them as change agents within their communities. With a focus on engaging children as “Cyber Buddies” and “Traffic Buddies,” this initiative has already reached over 30,000 students across 150 schools, marking a significant milestone in fostering a safer and more informed society.
As technology becomes an integral part of daily life, cyber fraud has emerged as a critical concern. Recognizing the role of children as digital natives, SP Ankita Sharma explained to Indian Masterminds, “Nowadays, parents take information about technology from their children only. In this situation, if someone tries to commit fraud, then the children can tell their parents and neighbours that it is fake. These children will be our first responders.”
To equip students with the knowledge to combat cybercrime, Sakti Police conducts interactive sessions using PowerPoint presentations, slides, and videos. The sessions educate children on the modus operandi of cybercriminals, including scams involving extortion, fake gifts, and fraudulent stock schemes. The campaign emphasizes critical steps such as calling the cybercrime helpline (1930) within a specific timeframe to mitigate damages effectively. As a result, the district has witnessed a remarkable increase in complaint registrations, a testament to the campaign’s success.
Children participating in the campaign also take a solemn pledge as Cyber Buddies:
- Protect family and friends from cyber fraud.
- Never share OTPs or personal information with strangers.
- Avoid downloading apps from unverified sources.
- Stay cautious about unsolicited links and too-good-to-be-true offers.
Traffic safety forms the second pillar of the Khaki Kids initiative. Through engaging sessions, students learn about essential road safety practices and the consequences of negligence. “The children are taught simple yet impactful lessons,” said SP Sharma. “From avoiding mobile phones while driving to always wearing a helmet, these habits can save lives.”
The pledge for Traffic Buddies underscores these key principles:
- Avoid using mobile phones while driving.
- Refrain from driving under the influence of alcohol.
- Always wear seat belts and helmets.
- Drive responsibly and avoid overtaking recklessly.
The Khaki Kids initiative is not just about awareness; it’s about building bridges between the police and the community. By involving children, the program fosters a positive perception of law enforcement and encourages interaction with the police. “These kids are going to be the future citizens of the district and country. It’s important for them to interact with the police and see us as allies. This initiative is helping us change perspectives and build trust,” SP Sharma emphasized.
The initiative’s success extends beyond awareness. Reports of illicit activities have also increased, indicating that children and their families are now more vigilant and proactive in ensuring community safety.
Through Khaki Kids, Sakti Police is preparing the youth to lead the way in creating a safe and informed society. As SP Sharma aptly put it, “Today’s children will make the district of tomorrow. If a child is aware, then he will also make his family, neighbourhood, locality, and villages aware.”
The campaign’s impact is already visible in the district, with increased awareness and active participation from the community. By transforming young minds into proactive citizens, Sakti Police is not only addressing immediate concerns but also laying the groundwork for a safer and more responsible future.