The Himachal Pradesh government, led by Chief Minister Mr. Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu, has informed the central government that the state does not require any additional IAS or IPS officers. This decision comes in response to the Centre’s annual inquiry regarding the state’s need for new officers.
Notably, CM Sukhu has even cancelled the file related to the request for additional IAS and IPS officers, signalling a firm stance on reducing bureaucratic expenditure. The primary reason behind this move is believed to be cost-cutting measures to ease the financial burden of maintaining the administrative structure.
Every year, the Department of Personnel & Training (DoPT) asks states to indicate their requirements for IAS and IPS officers so that necessary allocations can be made. However, this is not the first time such a proposal has been placed before a Chief Minister. While previous governments have considered rejecting new officer appointments for similar reasons, they never fully executed the decision.
By refusing to bring additional officers from the Centre, the Sukhu-led government has taken a bold step to optimize existing resources while ensuring governance efficiency.