Indian Railways has taken significant measures to accommodate the large number of devotees attending the ongoing Mahakumbh. In addition to 349 regular trains, 137 extra trains have been introduced to manage the influx. Over the first two days, Prayagraj stations witnessed a footfall of more than 15.6 lakh passengers. Ring rail services have also been initiated to connect prominent temple towns, including Chitrakoot, Ayodhya, and Varanasi.
During the 46-day event, over 13,100 trains will be operational, including 3,100 special services. To enhance capacity, nine stations around Prayagraj have been upgraded, with seven new platforms added. Subedarganj has been developed as a satellite station to handle the increased traffic.
For improved passenger comfort, 17 new Yatri Ashrayas have been established, raising the holding capacity to over 1.1 lakh. Upgraded waiting areas, additional toilets, better water and food facilities, and Yatri Suvidha Kendras at key stations have been introduced to offer essential services. These initiatives aim to ensure smooth and convenient travel for millions of devotees.