We all have ups and down in our lives. Sometimes we feel happy, loved, and healthy and at other times we feel the blues and that is part of life. The thing that matters is how we cope with all of that and come out of it.
2013-batch IAS officer of UP cadre and current DM of Mirzapur, Divya Mittal shared an interesting thread on her own ups and downs in life, which has now gone viral. She also suggested how one can deal with such situations in life.
Ms Mittal is active on social media and regularly shares tips on life lessons.
She tweeted, “I am an IAS officer. But my journey has many ups & downs. Have left well-settled paths to struggle. From IIT went to IIM. Left a well paying London job to return. Was training as an IPS & was doing well. Then started afresh as an IAS. How to deal with such major changes…”
I am an IAS officer. But my journey has many ups & downs. Have left well settled paths to struggle
— Divya Mittal (@divyamittal_IAS) April 6, 2023
From IIT went to IIM. Left a well paying London job to return
Was training as an IPS & was doing well. Then started afresh as an IAS
How to deal with such major changes
A 🧵
In a subsequent long thread, she said, “Leave laurels behind-
You may be well settled in your current path, but if you want to leave that to pursue something else, you need to leave the successes behind. Approach life with the heart of a student.”
Leave laurels behind
— Divya Mittal (@divyamittal_IAS) April 6, 2023
You may be well settled in your current path, but if you want to leave that to pursue something else, you need to leave the successes behind. Approach life with the heart of a student
Keep the learnings
— Divya Mittal (@divyamittal_IAS) April 6, 2023
But its not like what you did has gone waste. My studies as an engineer wtill help me understand nitty gritty of projects at times. The skills you have acquired in your current path will always help you
Taking the plunge
— Divya Mittal (@divyamittal_IAS) April 6, 2023
In anything new, fear of failure or of making mistakes is always there. More importantly, fear of unknown for venturing into unfamiliar territory . There will never be the right time. Look your fear in the eye and take the plunge if you really believe in it
Self belief
— Divya Mittal (@divyamittal_IAS) April 6, 2023
At this time u need to believe in yourself the most as most people will not support such choices. Once you become successful, everyone may say that they always knew you had it in you. But when you have to face the darkness of the fears, dont leave your own side
Focus on the process
— Divya Mittal (@divyamittal_IAS) April 6, 2023
Once you have made the plunge, no point in regretting the decision. Or overthinking what would have been. Make a plan of how to go about it. Focus more on the steps you need to take in the beginning rather than the results/outcomes. Karmanyev Adhikaraste
Think of the worst case
— Divya Mittal (@divyamittal_IAS) April 6, 2023
Think of the worst case. A batchmate wanted to quit MBA from IIM as she feared failing an exam & not being able to complete her degree. Worst case was anyways that. She tried & passed. Quitting is the same as failing. So might as well try.
Make every second count
— Divya Mittal (@divyamittal_IAS) April 6, 2023
If you have shown courage in changing the field, make every second count. There is not shortcut to success. No substitute for hardwork. Work your heart out
Lack of Knowledge
— Divya Mittal (@divyamittal_IAS) April 6, 2023
Don't be ashamed of not knowing enough. This is expected at this stage. Plan to increase knowledge. Do it deliberately, rather just learning only on the job.This can include taking classes or workshops, reading books or articles on the subject
— Divya Mittal (@divyamittal_IAS) April 6, 2023
In this process, you will definitely fail. Maybe multiple times.
Each time you fail, instead of feeling bad about it, think of the learning and growth that come from it. Failure is the best teaacher if you accept it with humility. Dont make excuses. Learn
What will people say
— Divya Mittal (@divyamittal_IAS) April 6, 2023
This is the biggest fear for most people. Fear of what people/relatives will say. No one cares about your success/failure as much as u think. For them it is just gossip. You don't owe it to anyone. The success is yours, and so is the failure. Don't bother
Be kind to yourself
— Divya Mittal (@divyamittal_IAS) April 6, 2023
In all the hardwork, stress, remember the long journey you have already done as a person. ALl that you have achved. The guts you have shown. The character that you possess. And then just sit back and love yourself once in a while
Some people don't start because of fear of failure
— Divya Mittal (@divyamittal_IAS) April 6, 2023
Some stop on getting a failure
The rest win!
Hope this helps you in your journey https://t.co/mgRiGGhNAP