As the world welcomes a new year with festivities, one district in Odisha chose to celebrate it with a meaningful twist. In Nayagarh, the spirit of giving was redefined by IAS officer Akshay Sunil Agrawal, who launched a heartwarming campaign titled “No Bouquet, No Gifts.” Instead of the usual exchange of flowers and presents, people were encouraged to greet the new year by sharing school supplies—items like notebooks, pencil boxes, and geometry sets.
Mr. Agrawal, a 2019 batch IAS officer and the Collector and District Magistrate of Nayagarh, believes that small acts of kindness can leave a lasting impact on young minds. His innovative initiative not only added joy to the new year celebrations but also underscored the importance of education and community spirit. The campaign witnessed overwhelming participation from locals, who embraced the idea wholeheartedly, turning their greetings into an opportunity to support children in need.
By steering the district’s celebrations towards a cause-driven approach, Mr. Agrawal has set a remarkable example of leadership that goes beyond administration—one that inspires positive change and spreads hope for a brighter future.