On September 27, 2014, when Prime Minister Narendra Modi called upon all the countries of the world to celebrate Yoga Day from the United Nations General Assembly, perhaps no one would have thought that in the coming times, Yoga Day would be celebrated as a festival all over the world, and people would become ‘yogis’ that day.
The United Nations General Assembly accepted the proposal of PM Modi and within three months, they announced the ‘International Yoga Day’, and it was celebrated for the first time on 21 June, 2015.
21 June is here again, and the world is celebrating Yoga Day today. From politician to bureaucrat, everyone is sending out messages to do Yoga daily to stay healthy.
The day aims to raise awareness around the world about the many benefits of practicing yoga, and that is exactly what our bureaucrats are doing with their social media posts.
Indian Masterminds has curated some of the bureaucrats’ posts, where they are seen in different yoga postures.
1991 batch senior IAS officer of Tamil Nadu cadre, Ms Supriya Sahu, posted a beautiful video of herself doing yoga on beach, on Twitter, and wrote, “A Journey within .. truly magical. Happy International Yoga Day.”
A Journey within .. truly magical. Happy International Yoga Day #YogaDay #InternationalDayofYoga #yoga #IDY2023 pic.twitter.com/EaOVozX66M
— Supriya Sahu IAS (@supriyasahuias) June 20, 2023
1997 batch IAS officer of UP cadre, Dr Hari Om, posted a video on Twitter and wrote, “Greetings to everyone on International Yoga Day. Yoga is not just a posture-asana, it is a life-philosophy.”
सभी को अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस की बधाई।योग सिर्फ़ मुद्रा-आसन नहीं, जीवन-दर्शन है। #YogaDay2023 #yoga #drhariomias pic.twitter.com/6alH2N7UGl
— Dr Hari Om (@dr_hariom_ias) June 21, 2023
2008 batch IFS officer of Uttarakhand cadre, Mr Saket Badola, tweeted a quote of famous Yoga Guru B.K.S Iyengar, and wrote, “Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.”
“Yoga does not just change the way we see things, it transforms the person who sees.” ― B.K.S Iyengar#InternationalDayofYoga pic.twitter.com/TId0sRhgZP
— Saket Badola IFS (@Saket_Badola) June 21, 2023
1989 batch IPS officer Ashok Kumar, who is DGP Uttarakhand, posted a beautiful video of Kedarnath Dham where people are seen doing Yoga. He wrote: “Yoga at divine and grand place…International Yoga Day was celebrated today at Shri Kedarnath Dham Complex, in which Jawans performed yoga along with the pilgrims.”
दिव्य एवं भव्य स्थान पर योग..
— Ashok Kumar IPS (@AshokKumar_IPS) June 21, 2023
आज श्री केदारनाथ धाम परिसर में अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस मनाया गया, जिसमें तीर्थयात्रियों के साथ जवानों ने योग किया।#InternationalYogaDay #InternationalYogaDay2023 #KedarnathDham pic.twitter.com/cvvF1iY5ha
2003 batch IPS officer of Chhattisgarh cadre, Mr Ratan Lal Dangi, said, “In today’s time, the youth are most in need of yoga. Because we are seeing that most of today’s youth are surrounded by stress, depression, anxiety. Even small children can be heard using words like stress, tiredness. To save the youth from such situation, they should be connected with yoga. Yogasana also gives relief from stress. It also keeps the body strong and flexible which is essential for our daily life. Yoga postures of yoga keep both body and mind active. Yoga is helpful in reducing depression, fatigue, anxiety disorders and stress.”

1999 batch Indian Foreign Service Officer and Ambassador of India to Cambodia, Ms Devyani Khobragade, wrote, “Happy International Yoga day to everyone. Yoga is India’s gift to humanity. Proud to bring our ancient heritage to the world.”
Happy International Yoga day to everyone. Yoga is India’s gift to humanity. Proud to bring our ancient heritage to the world @indembcam @PMOIndia @peacepalace_kh @MEAIndia https://t.co/cjA9sQH2jW pic.twitter.com/6u5k1MPtXD
— Devyani Khobragade (@devyani_K) June 21, 2023

Dr. Anand Prakash Maheshwari, an IPS officer of 1984 batch, posted some amazing Yoga poses of himself and wrote, “Greetings to all on World Yoga Day and recommendation as the best option for holistic health 🙌 Compliments on World Yoga Day and endorsement as the best option for Holistic Health & Wellness 🙌.”
विश्व योग दिवस पर सभी को बधाई और सम्विष्ट स्वास्थ्य हेतु सर्वोत्तम विकल्प स्वरूप अनुशंसा 🙌
— Dr Anand Prakash Maheshwari (@DrAPMaheshwari) June 21, 2023
Compliments on World Yoga Day and endorsement as the best option for Holistic Health & Wellness 🙌@PMOIndia @crpfindia @BSF_India @BPRDIndia @Uppolice https://t.co/8TJOZlHH2h pic.twitter.com/2q087GjhdZ
2008 batch IAS officer of Haryana cadre, Ms Sonal Goel wrote, “Yoga: Karmasu Kaushalam. That is, ‘Efficiency in actions is yoga.’ This quote written in LBSNAA has particularly influenced my life. Leaving the feeling of the doer, and without worrying about the result, its meaning is to do your work with full hard work and honesty.”
“Due to the efforts of respected Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, today the whole world is benefiting from the Indian Yoga tradition. It is a matter of great joy and pride for all of us Indians. To stay healthy and happy always, we must include yoga in our life. Hearty congratulations and best wishes to all of you on the 9th International Yoga Day. Do yoga stay healthy 👏🏻”
योगः कर्मसु कौशलम्
— Sonal Goel IAS 🇮🇳 (@sonalgoelias) June 21, 2023
अर्थात् “कर्मों में कुशलता ही योग है।”
LBSNAA में लिखी ये सूक्ति ने मेरे जीवन को विशेष रूप से प्रभावित किया है।
कर्ता का भाव छोड़कर, और फल की चिंता किए बिना, अपना काम पूरी मेहनत और ईमानदारी से करते जाना ही इसका भावार्थ है।
आदरणीय प्रधानमंत्री, श्री नरेंद्र… pic.twitter.com/PKp0w4RXva
As we celebrate #InternationalYogaDay, the theme chosen for this year serves as a powerful reminder that the world is a unified family 🌎🧘♀️🌿
— Sonal Goel IAS 🇮🇳 (@sonalgoelias) June 21, 2023
May this International Yoga Day be filled with bliss, as we embrace harmony, wellness and a profound connection to our shared humanity 🙏… pic.twitter.com/CxBvymlYXY

2014 batch IPS officer of UP cadre and SP of Auraiya district, Ms Charu Nigam posted a video of doing Suryanamaskar, one of the most famous Yoga asanas across the world.
Suryanamaskar 😃😃 #YogaDay pic.twitter.com/hg8Ro1I3jd
— Charu Nigam (@ipsCharuNigam) June 21, 2023
2016 batch IRS officer Ankur Rapria wrote on Twitter, ‘Yoga is similar to music. The symphony of life is composed of the body’s rhythm, the mind’s melody, and the soul’s harmony. Happy International Yoga Day, everyone!’
Yoga is similar to music. The symphony of life is composed of the body’s rhythm, the mind’s melody, and the soul’s harmony.
— Ankur Rapria, IRS (@irsankurrapria) June 21, 2023
Happy International Yoga Day, everyone!
Location – Triund Top#InternationalYogaDay#InternationalDayofYoga2023 #अंतर्राष्ट्रीययोगदिवस… pic.twitter.com/sdhAL06PSQ
1992 batch IPS officer of UP cadre, Mr Ashutosh Pandey posted an amazing picture of himself doing ‘Shirshasana’ Yog.
Celebrating International Yoga Day pic.twitter.com/mpTE3s0qGh
— Ashutosh Pandey (@ashuips1992) June 21, 2023
1991 batch of IPS officer of Telangana cadre, Mr CV Anand wrote a beautiful message on Twitter. he said, “My experience with #Yoga has been enlightening. During my cricketing and other competitive sports years, I would not evince much interest in stretching out after warm up or cooling down after the game. But serious injuries started happening after age 35 and then slowly I realised that it is Yoga or stretching every single muscle of our body with breathe control ,before and after a game or any physical activity, which keeps us injury free.
At the age of 55 , I am able to play active cricket – tennis – golf because of my steadfast yoga routine coupled with sufficient weight training . If anyone is having any pain in the body , it ll be most probably due to insufficient stretching of muscles and shorter muscle length tugs on the ligaments and tendons.’
My experience with #Yoga has been enlightening. During my cricketing and other competitive sports years , I would not evince much interest in stretching out after warm up or cooling down after the game. But serious injuries started happening after age 35 and then slowly I… pic.twitter.com/8x4ZrJsdFQ
— CV Anand IPS (@CVAnandIPS) June 21, 2023

Vikas Kharage, a 1994 batch IAS officer who is Principal Secretary to Chief Minister of Maharashtra & Principal Secretary (Cultural Affairs) posted some photos of doing Yoga and wrote in Sanskrit, which means that Regular ‘Yoga’ is very beneficial for a healthy traveler.’
निरोगी राहणीमानासाठी नियमीत ‘योगा’ चा मला खूपच फायदा होतोय.
— Vikas Kharage, IAS (विकास खारगे) (@vikaskharage) June 21, 2023
मा. मुख्यमंत्र्यांच्या उपस्थित आज मंत्रालयामधे योगा प्रात्यक्षिकासोबत योगा जागृतीच्या अतिशय सुंदर कार्यक्रमात मला सहभागी होता आलं.
आतंरराष्ट्रीय योगा दिना निमित्त सर्वांना खूप खूप शुभेच्छा !!#YogaDay #योगादिवस pic.twitter.com/iXXUEBbDfJ
Pankaj Nain, an IPS Officer of 2007 Batch, Haryana Cadre, posted a video of doing Yoga where he is bending towards back side. He wrote, ‘Yoga for life.’
Yoga for life . #InternationalYogaDay pic.twitter.com/eET4Dw0hQO
— Pankaj Nain IPS (@ipspankajnain) June 21, 2023
1991 batch IPS officer of UP cadre and ADG Zone Agra, Mr Rajeev Krishna wrote on Twitter, ‘Do Yoga, Stay Healthy. Yoga is such an effective lifestyle, through which balance can be created not only in the body parts, but also in the mind, brain and soul.’
#करें_योग_रहें_निरोग #yoga एक ऐसी प्रभावशाली जीवन शैली है, जिसके माध्यम से न केवल शरीर के अंगों बल्कि मन, मस्तिष्क और आत्मा में संतुलन बनाया जा सकता है। #अंतर्राष्ट्रीय_योग_दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं…।#InternationalYogaDay2023 #YogaforVasudhaivaKutumbakam pic.twitter.com/eDm5Uhdxtl
— Rajeev Krishna IPS, ADG (@Rajeevkrishna69) June 21, 2023
2021 batch IFS officer Ramesh Bishnoi posted an Instagram post.
Assam Police tweeted, “Serenity Of Yoga! Embrace the harmony of mind, body, and spirit through the practice of yoga. Today on the occasion of #InternationalYogaDay, senior officials and personnel joined the Yoga Day session at 4 AP BN, led by the DGP GP Singh.”
Serenity Of Yoga!
— Assam Police (@assampolice) June 21, 2023
Embrace the harmony of mind, body, and spirit through the practice of yoga.
Today on the occasion of #InternationalYogaDay, senior officials and personnel joined the Yoga Day session at 4 AP BN, led by the DGP Shri @gpsinghips.@DGPAssamPolice pic.twitter.com/vyy144Euob
2012 batch IPS officer of Bihar cadre, Dr. Kumar Ashish wrote in Sanskrit and Hindi, ‘May all live happily. Best wishes on International Yoga Day.’
सर्वे भवन्तु सुखिनः
— Dr. Kumar Ashish, IPS (@ipskumarashish) June 21, 2023
अंतरराष्ट्रीय योग दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं🙏#InternationalDayofYoga #YogaDay2023 #YogaforOneWorldOneFamily #YogaforVasudhaivaKutumbakam pic.twitter.com/eNhdqPYjC7
2001 batch Rajasthan Police Service and deputy SP, Ms Megha Goya,l posted her photo of doing Yoga and wrote, “Better than getting lost in the crowd, Get lost in solitude…!!”
भीड़ में खोने से अच्छा है
— Megha Goyal DySP (@MeghaaGoyal) June 21, 2023
एकांत में खो जाएं…!!
अंतर्राष्ट्रीय योग दिवस की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं 🌸🌸#InternationalYogaDay pic.twitter.com/QTFyfHI4J1