The month of July ended with double good news for Indian Forest Officer Mr. Aishwarya Raj. Currently posted as the Deputy Conservator of Forests (DyCF), Parvati Division Mr. Raj who has been chosen as the best DFO of Himachal Pradesh for the year 2021-22 and has been on the number three in the list for 2020-21.
This award is well deserved for the officer as his innovative contribution has enriched the valley in various ways. His tree plantation drive and transforming a dumping zone of 2.5 acre to a stunning park has been given unexpected results.
Super honoured and humbled ! As a forester, this is sheer serendipity – HP State level #award for the best DFO in 2021-22 and 3rd in 2020-21 🙂🙏💚 Thank you, Mother Nature 🙂 #vanmahotsav @ForestParvati #himachal #himalayas @RajBhavanHP @CentralIfs @CMOFFICEHP @mygovhimachal
— Aishwarya Raj , IFS (@aishwaryarajifs) July 30, 2022