The Andhra Pradesh High Court has granted conditional anticipatory bail to IPS officers Mr. P.S.R. Anjaneyulu (1992 batch), Mr. Kanthi Rana Tata (2004 batch), and Mr. Vishal Gunni(2010 batch), who are facing allegations related to the actress Kadambari Jetwani case. Alongside these officers, former Ibrahimpatnam Circle Inspector Mr. Hanumanth Rao and advocate Mr. Venkateshwarlu have also been granted anticipatory bail.
The case stems from accusations made by actress Jetwani, leading to legal proceedings and investigations involving senior police officials. Ms. Jetwani alleged that some of the top IPS officers during YSRCP tenure tortured her family members by forcibly entering her house and seizing their phones and documents. The police had even lodged false cases against her, kept her in jail and subjected her to harassment for around six months.
Ms. Jetwani accused a YSRCP leader from Krishna of deceiving her under the false pretence of marriage. Following this, the politician, accompliced with influential IPS officers, allegedly threatened her and her family members. Reports said the YSRCP leader filed a complaint against Kadambari, accusing the actress and her family of criminal conspiracy and other charges. A police team from Vijayawada reportedly went to Mumbai and arrested the actress and her parents and brought them to Vijayawada.
It is noteworthy that the state government has already suspended the three IPS officers as part of its administrative response to the case. Further developments are awaited as the investigation continues.