The Karnataka government has appointed IAS officer Kanaga Valli M as the Managing Director of the Karnataka State Medical Supplies Corporation (KSMSCL). A government order regarding her appointment was issued on Wednesday. This move is part of a broader initiative to enhance transparency and efficiency in the corporation’s operations, including changes to tender conditions. Harsh Gupta, Principal Secretary of the health and family welfare department, stated that appointing an IAS officer ensures better administration due to their experience and authority.
Kanaga Valli, who previously served as MD of the Karnataka Skill Development Corporation, headed a sub-committee formed last month to investigate lapses in KSMSCL operations following the Ringer’s Lactate issue linked to maternal deaths in Ballari. One of the committee’s key recommendations was to appoint an IAS officer to lead the corporation.
The finance department has also approved a proposal to recruit seven additional experts in pharmacology, biomedical engineering, and senior KAS cadre officers to strengthen KSMSCL’s operations. Additionally, tender conditions are expected to be revised, adopting a model from Tamil Nadu that emphasizes bidders’ present capabilities over past experience to encourage wider participation. These changes are likely to be approved soon.