The Gujarat government has named Mr. Pankaj Joshi, a 1989-batch IAS officer, as the state’s new Chief Secretary, succeeding Mr. Raj Kumar (1987-batch IAS officer), who will retire on January 31, 2025. Mr. Joshi’s appointment ends months of speculation regarding the state’s top bureaucratic position.
Born on October 19, 1965, in Nainital, Uttarakhand, Mr. Joshi holds a B.Tech in Civil Engineering and an M.Tech in Water Resources Engineering from IIT Delhi, as well as an M.Phil in Defense and Strategic Studies. Mr. Joshi has held key roles such as Additional Chief Secretary to the Chief Minister, ACS Home, Finance, and Principal Secretary (Energy). Known for his non-controversial and low-profile approach, his appointment is expected to bring stability to Gujarat’s administrative leadership.
Gujarat has a history of strategic bureaucratic appointments, often marked by tenure extensions for Chief Secretaries. For instance, Mr. Anil Mukim (1985-batch IAS officer) received two extensions post-retirement, a rare occurrence, while others like Mr. J N Singh (1983-batch IAS officer) were denied similar extensions by the central government. These decisions have sometimes led to senior IAS officers being reassigned to non-executive roles, as seen with officers like Mr. C K Koshy (1968-batch IAS officer), Mr. S K Nanda (1978-batch IAS officer), and Mr. Mukesh Puri (1988-batch IAS officer).
Mr. Joshi’s appointment reflects the state’s careful consideration of experience and institutional knowledge in its administrative leadership, continuing a tradition of balancing expertise with strategic decision-making. If he does not receive an extension, Mr. Joshi is scheduled to retire in October 2025.