In response to a question in the Rajya Sabha today, Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) for Personnel, Public Grievances, and Pensions, Dr. Jitendra Singh, highlighted several key initiatives undertaken by the Government to enhance the efficiency, accountability, and responsiveness of civil services.
One of the major steps taken by the Government is the ‘Initiative for Increasing Efficiency in Decision Making in Government’, which aligns with the policy of ‘Minimum Government, Maximum Governance’. This initiative aims to streamline government processes and improve the speed and quality of decision-making. A four-pronged approach has been adopted, focusing on delayering, delegation, digitization, and the desk officer system. These measures have been implemented across all Ministries and Departments.
In November 2024, the Government issued new directions to review the levels of disposal and submission channels within Ministries and Departments, ensuring that the decision-making process does not exceed four levels. This is part of an ongoing effort to reduce bureaucracy and enhance administrative efficiency.
Another significant initiative is Mission Karmayogi, a comprehensive program aimed at building the capacity of government employees. This initiative seeks to improve the attitudes, skills, and knowledge of civil servants across domains, functional areas, and behavioral competencies. A key component of the Mission is the IGOT Karmayogi digital learning platform, which offers over 1,500 courses. These courses cover critical areas such as governance, policy implementation, and technology, enabling civil servants to upgrade their skills and improve public service delivery.
The Government’s ongoing efforts through these initiatives are designed to foster greater efficiency, accountability, and transparency in public administration, ultimately ensuring better service for the citizens of the country.