In a remarkable display of bravery, a forest department guard in Gujarat’s Bhavnagar district managed to chase away a lion crossing a railway track, without fear or confrontation. The incident, which occurred near the Lilya station, was captured on video and has since gone viral on social media.
The footage shows the lion calmly walking along the tracks when it notices the guard. In an unexpected turn of events, the guard, who was unarmed, confidently approached the feline and successfully urged it to move off the track. The lion, after a brief pause, continued walking ahead, seemingly undeterred by the man’s presence.
This encounter highlights the unique and sometimes risky situations faced by forest department personnel who work to protect wildlife and ensure human safety. Local authorities have praised the guard’s quick thinking and composure in handling the situation. The lion, a species native to Gujarat, was safely redirected off the tracks, avoiding a potential collision with oncoming trains.
This incident serves as a reminder of the need for ongoing efforts to ensure the safety of both wildlife and train passengers in areas where human and animal habitats intersect.