The WhatsApp Number Giving Sleepless Nights to Many Policemen of Agra

SSP Agra has issued a WhatsApp number to the public to file complaint against policemen asking money for any kind of help The SSP said that complaints against around 70 policemen have been received so far and investigations are on The WhatsApp number where the Agra public can register their complaints against policemen is 9454458046
Indian Masterminds Stories

The first thing that SSP Agra, Prabhakar Chaudhary, IPS, did after taking charge was to give out a strong message of zero tolerance on corruption. He held a meeting where he clearly told his department that if he gets any complaint of corruption against any policeman, he will initiate investigations, and if they are found guilty, they will definitely go to jail.

However, things did not change much even after this stern message. Therefore, to monitor the system, he issued a WhatsApp number to the public, where they can register complaints against policemen asking for money in exchange for any help. 

In a conversation with Indian Masterminds, SSP Prabhakar Chaudhary shared details about the WhatsApp initiative against corruption.


The information about the WhatsApp contact number is pasted outside all police stations and departmental offices in Agra.People can register their complaints on the number 9454458046 at any time. It has been made clear to the public that if any policeman asks for or takes money in the name of getting benefits in passport verification, filing a case, or starting an investigation, then the public should immediately lodge a complaint on the given WhatsApp number, with evidence.


SSP Chaudhari informed Indian Masterminds that more than 200 complaints have been filed through the given WhatsApp number till date by the public. The complaints also include other issues like family disputes and illegal activities taking place in certain areas.

He said, “The WhatsApp number is provided to the public so that they can complaint about any corruption by policemen. However, we are also taking complaints about any illegal activities that are taking place in the city.” 


Mr. Chaudhary also said that complaints against around 70 policemen have been received so far. Three teams have been set up to investigate these complaints. In a two-stage investigation, the allegations leveled against the policemen have been found to be prima facie true. The third stage of the investigation is going on. Action will be taken against the policemen after the investigation process is completed. Most of the policemen under investigation are those who were karkhas in police stations. 

It has been reported that so far, action has been taken against 7 policemen, including 3 inspectors who were found guilty of taking convenience fee. A case was also registered against two of them for taking convenience fee in a case of mining. Two policemen have also been suspended for charging convenience fee in passport verification.


The officer and his team are making people aware about this initiative through pamphlets pasted on the walls of police stations, police offices, at visible market places where the public can easily see them, and also through word-of-mouth publicity.


SSP Choudhary had started the same initiative in Meerut where he was posted earlier. He said says that in Meerut, the response was quite satisfactory as many people took benefit of the WhatsApp number and filed their complaints. “There was a lot of behavioral change in the policemen of Meerut, as they knew if they did something like this, they would get caught red handed.”

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