The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has arrested two individuals, Pawan Dhut and Uttam Kumar Daga, in a money laundering investigation involving Bihar-cadre IAS officer Sanjeev Hans. Dhut, an infrastructure company owner from Delhi, and Daga, a Kolkata-based chartered accountant, were accused of assisting Hans in laundering black money.
Earlier in October 2024, the ED arrested Hans and former Rashtriya Janata Dal (RJD) MLA Gulab Yadav in connection with a tender scam in the Bihar energy department, which occurred when Hans served as the principal secretary. The case stems from an FIR filed by Bihar’s Special Vigilance Unit (SVU), which implicated 13 individuals, including Hans’ family members and the SP Singala construction company. The ED had previously conducted searches at various locations linked to the accused before making the arrests.