The Himachal Pradesh Forest Department has welcomed a new head. The state government has appointed 1988-batch IFS officer Sameer Rastogi as the Forest Force Chief (Half). He succeeds Dr. Pavanesh, who retired from the department, marking the end of an illustrious career. The Personnel Department issued an official notification announcing the change in leadership. Currently serving as the Chief Project Director (CPD) of the JICA Forestry Project, Rastogi has been given the additional charge of heading the department.
The appointment is significant as it comes after a prolonged period during which junior officers ascended to the apex scale. With this new responsibility, Rastogi is also likely to achieve the apex scale soon.
Who is Sameer Rastogi?
The new Forest Force Chief, Sameer Rastogi, brings decades of diverse experience to his role. He has held various key positions in the Himachal Pradesh Forest Department, including:
- Divisional Forest Officer (DFO)
- Chief Conservator of Forests (CCF)
- Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (APCCF)
- Regional Project Director for the Mid Himalayan Project in Bilaspur.
Rastogi also gained national recognition during his tenure as Chief Vigilance Officer in the public sector enterprise Rashtriya Chemicals and Fertilizers Limited, Mumbai, where he served from February 2019 to February 2024. Since April 6, 2024, he has been steering the JICA Forestry Project as its Chief Project Director. His extensive expertise in forestry, project management, and vigilance makes him well-equipped for this pivotal role.
Dr. Pavanesh Bids Farewell
A farewell ceremony was held at the Forest Department Headquarters in Shimla to honor Dr. Pavanesh for his remarkable contributions during his tenure. Known for his leadership and problem-solving skills, he held various esteemed positions, including:
- Forest Force Chief (Half)
- Director General of the Forest Development Corporation.
- Chief Project Director of the IDP Project in Solan.
Dr. Pavanesh was celebrated for resolving long-pending employee cases within five months, earning widespread appreciation from the department’s staff. Prakash Badal, President of the Himachal Pradesh Forest Department Employees Federation, praised his legacy, emphasizing his commitment to employee welfare and organizational growth.
As Himachal Pradesh enters a new phase under Rastogi’s leadership, the department anticipates continued forest conservation and management excellence.