In a significant move, the Chairman of the Rajya Sabha has extended the tenure of Pramod Chandra Mody, a retired IRS-IT officer from the 1982 batch, as the Secretary-General of the Rajya Sabha until December 31, 2025. Mody, who was initially appointed to the role on November 12, 2021, will continue his leadership in the administration of the Rajya Sabha, the Upper House of Parliament.
The decision to extend Mody’s tenure comes as part of the ongoing efforts to ensure smooth functioning and efficient administration within the Rajya Sabha.
Background of Pramod Chandra Mody’s Appointment:
Mody’s appointment as Secretary-General was announced in November 2021, marking a significant shift in the Rajya Sabha’s administrative structure. Prior to his appointment, Mody had an illustrious career in the Indian Revenue Service (IRS), contributing significantly to public administration. His extensive experience in the government bureaucracy has been seen as an asset in his role overseeing the functions of the Rajya Sabha, including managing its Secretariat, advising on constitutional matters, and ensuring the smooth conduct of proceedings.
Related Developments:
In light of the extension, the Rajya Sabha also appointed Ramacharyulu as an adviser to further support the administrative framework. The changes were noted with keen interest, as they reflect the continuing evolution of the Rajya Sabha’s leadership under Mody’s stewardship.
This move is expected to contribute to the continuity of efforts in maintaining the Rajya Sabha’s efficiency, transparency, and adherence to democratic processes over the next several years.