Uttarakhand Govt Forms 6th State Finance Commission Under Ex-Chief Secretary N Ravishankar

The commission, with a one-year term, will assess the financial health of Panchayati Raj institutions and urban local bodies, recommending resource allocation and revenue mobilization for the next five years.
Indian Masterminds Stories

The Uttarakhand government has constituted the 6th State Finance Commission, appointing former Chief Secretary N Ravishankar as Chairman. Retired IAS officers P S Jangpangi and Dr. M C Joshi will serve as members, while Additional Secretary (Finance) Dr. Ahmed Iqbal will be the Secretary.

The commission, formed via a notification by Additional Chief Secretary (Finance) Anand Bardhan, has a one-year term to provide recommendations for five years starting April 1, 2026. It will assess the financial health of Panchayati Raj institutions and urban local bodies, suggesting resource mobilization and allocation of tax revenues.

Additionally, it will evaluate infrastructure gaps, governance reforms, and state revenue-expenditure balance. The commission can summon officials, access documents, and determine its procedure. Former Chief Secretaries Indu Kumar Pandey and Dr. BK Joshi chaired the fifth and fourth commissions, respectively.

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