Lalitpur Police, under the guidance of Superintendent of Police (SP) Md. Mushtaq and the supervision of Additional SP Mr. Anil Kumar, has achieved remarkable success in locating and reuniting 392 missing/abducted individuals, including 104 children (87 girls and 17 boys) and 288 other missing/abducted individuals, during the year 2024. This feat was accomplished as part of ‘Operation Muskaan’ and a special recovery drive.
In various police station jurisdictions across Lalitpur, families reported missing or abducted children and individuals. Acting swiftly on these reports, dedicated police teams were formed under the leadership of SP Md. Mushtaq. These teams, in collaboration with the SWAT unit, surveillance teams, and by leveraging CCTV footage and technical analysis, traced the whereabouts of the missing persons. Both manual ground-level enquiries and advanced technical methods were employed to locate and recover the individuals.
The police ensured the safe recovery of all 392 individuals and handed them over to their families after completing the necessary legal formalities. This heartwarming gesture brought immense relief and joy to the families, who expressed their gratitude towards the police.
Breakdown of Recoveries:
- Girls Recovered: 87
- Boys Recovered: 17
- Other Missing/Abducted Individuals: 288
- Total: 392
The efforts of the Lalitpur Police have been widely appreciated by the public. Their diligent work not only restored trust in the police force but also fostered a stronger connection between the police and the community.
The success of ‘Operation Muskaan’ highlights the commitment of Lalitpur Police to ensuring the safety and well-being of its citizens, setting a commendable example for others to follow.