The Tamil Nadu government has carried out a major bureaucratic reshuffle, transferring several IAS officers and appointing new district collectors in nine districts—Dharmapuri, Dindigul, Krishnagiri, Tiruvallur, Villupuram, Tiruvannamalai, Tirupattur, Tirunelveli, and Tiruvarur.
Among the key transfers:
- Dr. Darez Ahmed (2005-batch IAS officer), previously Secretary to the Government, Special Programme Implementation Department, has been appointed as the Managing Director of ‘Guidance Tamil Nadu’, the state’s investment promotion agency.
- Dr. T Prabhushankar (2013-batch IAS officer), formerly Tiruvallur Collector, has been appointed as Managing Director of the Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTC), replacing Dr. Alby John Varghese.
Also Read: IAS Rajeev Singh Thakur Appointed as Adviser to NITI Aayog; Tenure Extended
These administrative changes aim to enhance governance and improve service delivery across the state.
Check the Official List Here:
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