Bharat Electronics Limited (BEL), a Navratna Defence PSU, reported a significant growth of 36.97% in its turnover for the third quarter (Q3) of FY 2024-25, reaching ₹5,643.25 crore, compared to ₹4,120.10 crore during the same period last year.
The company’s Profit Before Tax (PBT) for the third quarter stood at ₹1,754.15 crore, reflecting a robust growth of 49.64% over the ₹1,172.26 crore achieved in the corresponding quarter of the previous year. Profit After Tax (PAT) also showed strong growth, rising by 47.33% to ₹1,316.06 crore, compared to ₹893.30 crore in the same quarter last year.
For the year-to-date period (up to Q3 of FY 2024-25), BEL achieved a turnover of ₹14,173.68 crore, up from ₹11,484.92 crore in the same period of the previous year. PBT grew from ₹2,948.95 crore to ₹4,242.37 crore, and PAT increased from ₹2,236.48 crore to ₹3,183.47 crore.
As of January 1, 2025, BEL’s order book stood at ₹71,100 crore, indicating a strong pipeline of future projects.