The New Delhi administration has appointed two new Whole-Time Members to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI) for a term of three years, or until they reach the age of 65, or until further notice, whichever comes first. The newly inducted members are Ritu Ranjan Mittar and Maruthi Prasad Tangirala, a 1990-batch officer from the Indian Post & Telecommunication Accounts and Finance Service (IP&TAFS).
Mittar previously served as Head and Advisor at the Telecommunication Engineering Centre, while Tangirala is currently an Additional Secretary in the Department of Financial Services.
TRAI, which serves as the regulator for India’s telecommunications sector, is presently chaired by Anil Kumar Lahoti, former Chairman and CEO of the Railway Board. Prof. Ranjan Bose and Neelkanth Mishra serve as part-time members, while Atul Kumar Chaudhary, a 1989 batch Indian Telecommunication Service officer, holds the position of secretary.