Wildlife photographer Sarosh Lodhi took to Instagram to share a disturbing video showcasing a group of individuals recklessly approaching wild tigers in Maharashtra. The video reveals onlookers getting dangerously close to the tigers, either recording videos on their mobile phones or deliberately disturbing the animals in their natural habitat.
Lodhi expressed his frustration, writing: “Mobile banned, tourists banned, guides banned, drivers penalized monetarily, but this? Not under the same forest department, but same state, and very close to Umrer Karhandla (location withheld purposely).”
The post highlights the dangers such actions pose to both humans and wildlife. Stressing the need for stricter enforcement, Lodhi tagged the Maharashtra Forest Department, urging them to intervene and penalize the offenders to prevent such incidents in the future.
This reckless behavior not only endangers the lives of those involved but also disrupts the natural state of these majestic creatures, emphasizing the need for responsible wildlife tourism.