ACC Appoints Several Senior Bureaucrats At Important Foreign & Captive Posts

Mr. Nikunj Kumar Srivastava (1998-batch IAS officer) was made Senior Adviser to the Executive Director of the World Bank
Indian Masterminds Stories

On July 3rd, the Appointments Committee to the Cabinet (ACC) appointed several bureaucrats to occupy certain foreign and captive posts under the Government of India.

  • Mr. Ashutosh Jindal (1995-batch Tripura cadre IAS officer) was appointed to the post of Minister (Economics) in the Economic Wing of the Embassy of India in Washington DC in USA, for three years.
  • Mr. Nikunj Kumar Srivastava (1998-batch IAS officer) was made Senior Adviser to the Executive Director of the World Bank in Washington DC for three years.
  • Mr. Hrisheekesh Arvind Modak (2008-batch IAS officer) was appointed Adviser to the Executive Director of the World Bank, for three years.
  • Ms. Anshika Arora (2010-batch IES officer) was appointed Counsellor (Services) at the Permanent Mission of India (PMI) to the World Trade Organization (WTO) in Geneva under the Department of Commerce for three years.
  • Mr. Ashutosh Salil (2010-batch IAS officer) was appointed to the post of Adviser (Industry & Engineering) in the Embassy of India in Brussels under the Department of Commerce for three years.
  • Mr. Prasanth Chandran (2007-batch IES officer) was appointed Director in the Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) Secretariat in Dhaka under the Ministry of External Affairs for three years.

Indian Masterminds Stories
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